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Motivation Project REquireme nts


You will create a poster with pictures and words that describes your three biggest motivators in life.



This assignment will give your teachers and classmates an opportunity to know you better.  It will also give you your why for being successful in high school.  We always need the why before the how, because the why will keep us going when things get tough.


When is it due?  

A Day:  8/26/2015 (Wednesday)   B Day:  8/27/2015 (Thursday)



Choose your three biggest motivators.  Why do you do what you do?  What makes you want to succeed?  Who makes you want to succeed?  What do you want to have or to do as a result of your success?  For each motivator you will write at least three sentences explaining why you are motivated by it.  You will also include at least three images that show that motivator, so you will have a total of 9 images on your poster.   It must also include a title and your name.





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